Maria Magdalena Radziwill Swiss Foundation

The Maria Magdalena Radziwill Foundation

Post on Mar 21, 2019

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March 25, 2019 – 101 years since the proclamation of the Belarusian People's Republic. The BPR, formed in 1918, was actively supported by Maria Magdalena Radziwill.

Charity project

Post on Jan 28, 2019

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The Maria Magdalena Radziwill Foundation supports organizations which conduct socially important events. The charity Fashion Project Kids Fashion Zone will take place in Victoria Olimp Hotel in Minsk on February 9, 2019, which is dedicated to two special dates - World Cancer Day - February 4 and International Cancer Children Day - February 15.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Post on Dec 23, 2018

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Dear friends!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We wish you to be always surrounded by the warmth and love of your loved ones, respect of your friends, and the excellent mood and elation always accompanied your life!

Radio Belarus Alexander Sapego

Post on Dec 02, 2018

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On November 14, 2018, the President of the Foundation, Alexander Sapego, visited Radio Belarus, where he spoke with the presenter Tatyana Gargalyk. The history of the creation of the Maria Magdalena Radziwill Foundation, the projects that are already being implemented by the Foundation and joint events with the Belarusian diaspora in Switzerland can be found through listening to the audio of this interview.

Kutapaty Excursion

Post on Aug 22, 2018

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In Kurapaty - a symbolic place, known throughout the world as a place of mass execution near Minsk in times stalinki repression in 1937-1941 gg. - the presence of groups of between 5-6 people ART stray and Virtual Museum of Soviet repression in Belarus will organize free guided tours. The next tour will be held on Sunday, August 26 at 14 hours.

Post on Jul 07, 2018

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"ART Vandroņa", tourist department "ART Syadzība" (Information and educational institution "Amaroka") in partnership with the Institution for rendering assistance in difficult life situation "Destiny and Hope" will organize on July 14, 2018 an inclusive author's excursion "Minsk ring of charity" devoted to the birthday of the Belarusian patron of arts Magdalena Radziwill (July 8, 1861), as well as to other Belarusian philanthropists.

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Post on Jun 11, 2018
Excerpts from the conversation of Alexander Sapega, president of the Maria Magdalena Radziwill Foundation, and Prince of Sicily Antonio de Bourbon, great-grandson of Maria Magdalena Radziwill.  
Post on Apr 13, 2018
To find the estate of Zawishi (the estate of Magdalena Radziwill) in Kuhtich, leaving the city of Uzda you need to keep a direction to Kuhtich, but at the crossroads, you should not turn to the ...
Post on Jun 05, 2019
At the end of May, Alexander Sapega visited Radio Belarus and spoke about the planned activities of the Union of Belarusians in Switzerland and the activities of the Maria Magdalena Radziwill ...
Post on Jul 01, 2019
In April of this year it became known about a unique find: in the Ukrainian city of Chudnov, Zhytomyr region, a tombstone of Jan Borshevsky, one of the most prominent Belarusian writers of the 19th ...
Post on Jul 12, 2019
In the Radio Belarus With Heart in Belarus project, they told about the work to perpetuate the memory of outstanding countrymen, a festive event for the birth of the beginning of the 20th century ...

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